I am so excited to be one of the creators of Created Crafty.
Myself along with my most crafty Mama are going to bring you fun inspiring crafts. We hope that you will find within yourself the love of Crafting. We pray that you will see that the Lord CREATED you in his image and because of that sweet friends each of us are woven together in his image to create. May you find peace in the time that you spend creating your crafts.
May you learn a bit about yourself with each project. And bask in the awesomeness of being YOU!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-28

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mason Jar Wreath

Simple canning jar lids strung up tightly together create one funky little industrical chic wreath!
As we all know I LOVE Pinterest... okay I am obsessed with Pinterest earlier this year I pinned eek! this awesome wreath. I have been so excited to make it being that it incorporates to things that I love, canning and wreaths! So this am when I woke up with my hubby at the amazing hour of 4:30 am so he could hop a flight I got my craft on. I love the way my Mason Jar Wreath turned out!


Lagene said...

WOW!!! Rach, That is Amazing...I love the blue & kraft color combo!! You outdid yourself this time@!@!!!

Shellie said...

Cute cute! Is that burlap?