I am so excited to be one of the creators of Created Crafty.
Myself along with my most crafty Mama are going to bring you fun inspiring crafts. We hope that you will find within yourself the love of Crafting. We pray that you will see that the Lord CREATED you in his image and because of that sweet friends each of us are woven together in his image to create. May you find peace in the time that you spend creating your crafts.
May you learn a bit about yourself with each project. And bask in the awesomeness of being YOU!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-28

Monday, January 23, 2012

Balloon Wreath

Nothing makes me as happy as when my friends are "getting there craft on". I am so blessed that one of my most best friends in the whole world has been sharing her crafty self with me and has said I can share with you! If you are getting crafty and want to share your crafty self with the rest of us.... I would be the most blessed crafty mama. 

Crafty Mama Stef

Balloon Wreaths how stinkin' cute right! I can't think of a better way to start of a birthday celebration than with one of these on your door. So the way it works... I made one for Minnie's birthday. Of course I saw it on Pinterest! I thought I was TOTALLY awesome. Then even more awesome Stefanie got her craft on and pulled out the 1200 balloon wreath you find here at the top of the page! Yes 1200 balloons!  So worth it her wreath is breath taking! I love it!

Crafty Mama Rach

What you need to make a Crafty Balloon Wreath

1.You're favorite craft store, mine just happens to Joann's

2. A 14 inch foam wreath

3. 600 of these thumb killers

And of course 1200 of these awesome balloons from the Dollar tree

If you make one of these awesome balloon wreaths and want to share it with us.... Please email it to me!


Lagene said...

Whoot Whoot, love your megga balloon wreath Stephanie & love yours too Rach...2 crafty mamas!

Jenn Erickson said...

So colorful and whimsical! Beautifully done!