I am so excited to be one of the creators of Created Crafty.
Myself along with my most crafty Mama are going to bring you fun inspiring crafts. We hope that you will find within yourself the love of Crafting. We pray that you will see that the Lord CREATED you in his image and because of that sweet friends each of us are woven together in his image to create. May you find peace in the time that you spend creating your crafts.
May you learn a bit about yourself with each project. And bask in the awesomeness of being YOU!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-28

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Strathmore Online Workshops (free)

Hello Crafty women out there,
I'd like to share a great site  that has wonderful instructors with free online Workshops!

                           Strathmore Artist Studio 

I just finished a 4 week workshop:
Doodles Unleashed workshop
by Traci Bautista, She encouraged her students to PLAY with color ...paints ...markers ...stencils ...Doodles!  It was a challenge for me....But her just let loose & play encouragement was what I need! (I'm learning to have fun, enjoy the process & don't sweat being good at it...just enjoy it for me!

My little lady may be out of proportion, but she is special to me since she is my first face....& can't you see she has such a BIG HEART!    

The next class is Workshop 2: Watercolor Sketching
    with Cathy Johnson  it starts on March 1, 2012.   Won't you join me at her class???


Renee! said...

Great job on the workshop... I loved it too! I still have to finish my last week... but did a post on it today anyway! Happy painting Lagene!!!

The Polka Dot Closet said...


You are more than welcome to pin anything you like. I actually put a note up in the top left hand corner of my blog today saying pin away...I am flattered! You said I did not have a pin it button. what is a pin it button, where do I get it and where do I put it? It is just a shame that few people have to ruin something good isn't it!

Thank you soooo much for pinning!