I am so excited to be one of the creators of Created Crafty.
Myself along with my most crafty Mama are going to bring you fun inspiring crafts. We hope that you will find within yourself the love of Crafting. We pray that you will see that the Lord CREATED you in his image and because of that sweet friends each of us are woven together in his image to create. May you find peace in the time that you spend creating your crafts.
May you learn a bit about yourself with each project. And bask in the awesomeness of being YOU!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-28

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shout out to our Crafty Mama!

I wanted to give a big shout out to our one and only Crafty Mama she has been awarded Top three for the poinsettia wreath that she posted earlier this Month! She is amazing! Congratulations Crafty Mama on being on top! Way to start the new year.
Thank you Pretty Little Bow Shop For hosting the challenge last month!  If you are interested in join the fun you should jump right over to their blog and join in this months fun! All about Valentine's day...
I am so going to give it a whirl since this is my love month!

Not only is Crafty Mama a winner for her Craft's she also won an amazing class offered by
                                                                        Brave Girls Club.

I suggest if you have not become a brave girl that you jump over to the Brave girls blog and give them some love and thanks for offing such inspiration to the woman and girls of the world!

Keep up your good work Mama!


Lagene said...

Thanks Rach, I feel like I've won the jackpot!!!!

Rach Rogers said...

I feel like you have too! What a way to start out 2012! This is your year and I am going to be your biggest crafty fan! I love you!

Renee! said...

I found your link on the Strathmore Workshop networking page... am happy to follow your blog and would love it if you'd follow mine too!
Happy creating!